HPU Control Panel

HPU Control Panel

HPU is also know as Hydraulic power units. These basically are complete units which supplies hydraulic power for various industrial use. The HPU consist of a hydraulic pump, a motor to drive it, custom control panel, reservoir for hydraulic oil, high and low level switches, oil heater with thermostat and inter connecting hoses. Control panel start/stop the pump and powers up the heater depending on the oil temperature. Any of the portable units have floating plug-able male cord end for the power and we recommend the non-reversing feature because in some situations the unit can be power up from a outlet with a different phase sequence which will cause it start in reverse. The permanent units are hard wired and don’t require the non-reversing feature in the panel. The picture shows a 3 phase 5HP AC operated portable power hydraulic unit which is integrated with all the panel controls and system sensors.

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