Progressive Cavity Pump Panel
Progressive Cavity pumps or PC pumps have a special challenge. The PC pump controller must be able to limit the torque to a safe level when operating. Over torqueing of the polished rod results in damaged or broken rods. This is a costly and time-consuming issue no one wants to deal with. With the integration of a VFD controller that has a direct vector or sensor less vector control mode we can safely set the VFD to ether fault or even better do a torque limit to only allow the motor to produce up to a safe limit of torque. During a torque limit the VFD will trade off speed to ensure that the torque does not exceed that preset safe limit.
Backspin timers are also programmed to make sure that the rod has had ample time to unwind before rewinding for operation again. Restarting too soon can result in a twisted off or weakened rod.
The controllers design addresses the electrical requirements needed to meet the safety standards of the oil field industry. Standardized inputs for the Presco or over pressure shut down switch and shut down circuits for Estops etc.
Are panels are built with the integration of pump off controllers (POC) in mind. Each system is selectable to operate in HAND mode or Auto being the POC. Variable speed units will also have a remote reference input so the speed will follow the rate as requested by the POC analog output. These signals are selectable between 4-20mA or 0 to 10V input.
An Analog output can easily be made available from the VFD controller for current feedback for POC controllers that require it.
All Solution Controls branded come with basic line filtering. A more comprehensive filter can be built in for higher levels of harmonic distortion filtering.
Full Voltage and soft start Progressive Cavity Pump Controllers
Solutions Controls can also provide simple and effective full voltage controllers. The same operation and connection apply for all our oil field controllers. Terminal numbers for field devices are wired the same regardless if you have selected a direct online controller or if you have a VFD controller.
While the Direct online controllers are not capable of variable speed operation, they are still built to interact with POC. An optional feed back current device can be installed into units that require or optionally want that feedback.
Soft-starter units help by doing a reduced current start up. This keeps a safe torque limit on the rod while doing the initial wind up and having a faster response to over torque / over current limits then basic thermal overloads offer.
Some of the options available for these units are:
• Accessory power for small Chemical injection pumps.
• GFI Protected power outputs for Heat Trace.
• Site Run or Fault Lamps.
• Live Presco Test Logic circuitry.
• Site Stands
• Pedestal Legs.
• Dead Front Doors.
• Power input Harmonic filters to meet IEEE-519 requirements.
Customization to fit your needs are all possible. Let us know what your operational challenges are and we will provide you with a package that meets your needs.