Custom Control Panels
Custom control panels are packaged solutions to meet unique requirements which could be a combination of various solutions such as control systems, power systems, MCCs, instrumented systems, and monitoring systems.
Don’t let the word “custom control panel” scare you, the majority of the panels we do are custom to the application, In the control system every application is unique and requires a tailored solution for it, Let discuss your need and we’ll come up with the design using easily available parts. We can submit a package for your approval which generally includes panel mechanical drawings, electrical drawings, bill of materials, datasheets and specifications for major components, control logic and details. We can design and fabricate these custom control panels very quick due to the extensive experience and by stocking the long lead items, We also customize pre-built enclosure by cutting and adding accessories to them which save lots of time to source a complete custom enclosure, but if your application requires a complete customer enclosure that is not a problem it requires some extra time for fabrication.
The shape, size, and category of the custom control panel will be based on the scope. However, no compromise on compliance with all applicable standards will be allowed.
The customs requirements could be explosion proof, flameproof, purged with air or inert gas, arc flash proof, deep water, high heat, and special purpose certified. Added needs such as remote junction box with special instrument and control elements, safety switches, light curtains, alarm indicators, strobe lights, hazard detection, sirens, external panel mount displays, operator workstation, keyboard and industrial grade mouse or touch screens, network communication components such as Ethernet or wireless switches, fiber optic communication, vision system integration, cyber security firewalls, database, IIOT integration and options for cloud computing connectivity. The design will be done on a case to case basis.
Custom control panel involves highly skilled design and build process that requires knowledge and technical skills of electrical, electronic, control, instrumentation, computer systems, PLC, DCS, Loop controllers, signals, software, hardware, mechanical, structural, painting, industrial standards, regulatory requirements, process, drawing, protection system, safety systems, cooling, heating, construction, handling, and it goes on.
Custom control panel manufacturing requires skilled, certified people who can understand and interpret engineering and product documentation, engineering design people, skilled fabrication, assembly, wiring technicians to build a custom panel to suit the customer need.